I've been playing Wiffleball for years. My earliest recollection of Wiffleball starts way back when I was probably four at my Grandpa's house. I would play my brother Jared in a short game where he would pound the ball over the house, and I would end up fetching for a few innings until I gave up and went inside to be consoled by Grandma. The game has evolved since then; pitches are faster, batters are stronger, and my love for the game has skyrocketed. I love Wiffleball, it's plain & simple. It's a game that never gets old. Once you wake up in the morning and see a glorious day outside, first you think about what you have to do for the day, then you go to your obligations and carry out your everyday life, but when free time has entered your day.. you get out your phone, multi-text your ten closest friends and say something along the lines of "Wiffleball @ 3:30". There is normally one field that you all know where to meet, so everyone is sure where to go. Snacks are optional, but highly recommended. Sunflower seeds and Big League Chew should satisfy any snack cravings throughout the 9 innings of friendly competition.
Notable memories from Wiffleball:
- Me v. Jared (2003)
We were both using our baseball teams to play with.. (it was one on one, but I would bat for the other players on my little league team) it was eric kohrs turn to bat in the last inning and he blasted one on top of the house across the street. epic.
- "I don't mean to be a hard ass, but get the hell off my lawn" (2007)
My neighbor isn't too friendly, but when you step on his precious turf in his front yard, he friendliness drops to new lows. I remember it was all of my buddies from high school came over on a half day and we played a game of wiffle ball. Someone hit a foul ball over into the neighbors yard, and Ryan Hendricks went over to pick it up, and the neighbor, "I don't mean to be a hard ass, but get the hell off my lawn" thus ending the game. He was Buzz Killington for the day. He single-handedly ended our fun game of wiffleball. That quote is still joked about by my friends.
- Slide into home (2010)
We were playing about a week ago here at school, and my team (Chambana Expos) were making a ferocious comeback. Team morale was high, and this kid that tagged along was named Caleb. Caleb was 0-3 coming into this key at bat in the 8th inning, and he hit a bomb off the tree in deep left and drove in a run. Next batter hit a single, and Caleb got the signal from the 3rd base coach to come home.. There a play at the plate between Max and Caleb. Caleb performed the most courageous and perfect slide I have ever witnessed. He slid completely under the tag and slid across home plate. The best part about it was that our home plate is a 4 foot wide slab of loose gravel in a grass field. His leg was clearly bloody, but it was worth it. His courageous acts got my attention, and he will not be the last pick next game.
I don't see myself leaving the game I love for quite some time now. I will be playing wiffleball well into my 20's, after that I will find a softball league to play in, or have some kids to follow my footsteps.
This post is dedicated to all you Wiffler's out there!
Jared Dye, Sam Welvaert, Luke Wood, Jordan Townsend, Justin Blondell, Connor Welvaert, Ryan Hendricks, Tyler Rasche, Dakota Bacus, Alec Heist, Brian Doroba, Mike Miller, Christian Davis, Kevin Galicia, Max Tane, Ian Adams, Grant Walheim, Jack Cassidy, Thomas Bruch, Andy Heinz, That Caleb kid with the slide, Kevin Shedd, Jacob Traub, and Tyler Brown
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